Toddi Vanilla Mint Steamer
The fun thing about this drink is that you can make a big batch for the kids and add Toddi Mint Vodka to the grown-ups’ drink!
8 minutes
1 oz Toddi Mint Vodka
1 cup of whole milk
1 tbsp raw sugar
1 tsp vanilla
the most tiny, itty bitty pinch of salt
In a 4-cup (to allow for increased volume after frothing) heat-proof glass measuring cup, with handle add whole milk, sugar, vanilla and salt. Microwave* for 30 seconds at a time until it reaches desired temperature, stirring after each 30 seconds to prevent uneven heating. You do not want this to boil…you want it very warm, not scorching. Once it has reached desired temperature, add the vodka and use a milk frother to whip the drink into fluffy perfection. Pour into a large mug and garnish with cinnamon or cocoa powder. If you’re in the mood to go over the top, add some whipped cream. Get a napkin to wipe your milk mustache, too!
*Alternately, if making a larger batch, you can heat in a saucepan. Heat on medium low, stirring constantly until mixture reaches desired temperature. Add vodka to mug then pour steaming liquid into mug and hit it with the milk frother until it fluffs up.